

Reports compiled and recently released by the 佐治亚技术学院系统 (TCSG) examining graduate 安置率 for its 22 institutions revealed that 南新月技术学院 (十大网赌平台推荐) remains among the leaders across the state in all areas for Academic Year 2021. TCSG’s Graduates and Placement Academic Year (AY) 2021 Report gathered by its Data, 规划, and Research Center is a system-wide glance at graduates, 年度对比, 安置率.

The recently released report shows that for the third year in a row, 十大网赌平台推荐 is the third highest producer of graduates in the state. The College also outpaced the state average among all technical colleges in Georgia for graduates. 具体地说, for AY 2021 十大网赌平台推荐 graduated 2784 students and conferred 4545 awards for associate degree, 文凭, 以及技术信用证书. Comparatively, in AY 2020 十大网赌平台推荐 graduated 2301 students and conferred 3838 awards. These numbers equate to a 21 percent increase in graduates and an 18.授予的奖项增加4%.

十大网赌平台推荐主席博士. Alvetta Thomas stated, “I’m extremely excited about these numbers.  This is a true testament to the hard work and dedication of the 十大网赌平台推荐 faculty and staff.  从这个角度来看, 十大网赌平台推荐 ranks sixth in enrollment among technical colleges, yet we are the third largest producer of graduates among the colleges in our system. This accomplishment speaks volumes about the College’s impact in our eight-county service area.”

In addition to graduate data, the report also provided job placement rates among recent graduates.  Accordingly, the College achieved an overall job placement rate of 99.4%和90%的现场安置率.3%. The overall placement rate calculates the number of students who graduate and are employed, 选择参军, 或者选择继续他们的教育. 而, the in-field placement rate is the percentage of graduates who are employed directly in their field of study. Both of these categories represent an increase over last year’s data. 事实上, both overall and in-field placement rates are the highest rates to date for 十大网赌平台推荐 and are higher than the overall system averages.

“Our mission at 南新月技术学院 is workforce development and it is evident that we are responding to the needs of our community partners.  When the numerous career options available in our region for our graduates are coupled with 十大网赌平台推荐’s low cost of attendance, it is clear that 南新月技术学院 continues to have a tremendous impact on workforce development.  I am extremely thankful for our community and business partnerships.  Because of their support, 十大网赌平台推荐 graduates continue to obtain high demand jobs.  Without a doubt, 十大网赌平台推荐 is building strong students, strong careers, and strong communities” Dr. 阿尔韦塔·托马斯接着说.

十大网赌平台推荐学生事务副主席. Xenia Johns评论道, “These amazing results with graduate and job placement rates really illustrate 南新月技术学院’s commitment to student success and workforce development.  I am excited about what we have accomplished and I truly appreciate the commitment of our faculty and staff to continue to improve these rates.  With a job placement rate of over 99% and the demand for 十大网赌平台推荐 graduates is far exceeding supply, we are extremely optimistic that these increases will continue.”


The statewide 佐治亚技术学院系统 encompasses 22 colleges with 85 campus locations and more than 600 degree, 文凭和证书课程.



南新月技术学院 is a multi-campus unit of the 佐治亚技术学院系统 and serves the workforce and community needs of Butts, 菲也特, 亨利, 碧玉, 拉马尔, 派克, 斯伯丁, 和厄普森县.  该学院是一所公立大学, 认证, two-year post-secondary institution serving a diverse student population by offering academic credit programs and services, 十大赌博靠谱信誉的平台, continuing education and programs customized for business and industry.  南新月技术学院 is committed to excellence and is characterized by outstanding instruction, a comprehensive commitment to state-of-the-industry training and workforce development, 以及与社区的紧密联系.  随着学院的发展, 南新月技术学院 will continue to expand its educational programs and facilities to provide students with enhanced opportunities for career success. For more information on 南新月技术学院 or its offerings, please visit vis.psychomotricite-la-seyne.com.